Puppy Training

Next puppy course starting soon
Sunday 6th April – 9.30am
Puppy Training Classes
We believe that it is so important for puppies to be given the best start in life. Positive experiences, the right training and suitable skills which will enable them to fit into the human world are key, so your pup can grow into a happy and contented adult.
At Talk to the Hound we provided super group puppy classes which are suitable for the whole family to attend.
If classes are not for you, you struggle to commit to the same time each week or you feel you would prefer more individual attention, then we can provide a 1:2:1 home based puppy course as an alternative.
So whether it is in our group session or on a 1:2:1 basis, you and your pup will enjoy relaxed, fun training sessions which will deliver positive results.

Group Puppy Training – 6 Week Courses
Our 6-week group puppy training courses are designed to give you the tools to teach your puppy to grown into a well-mannered integrated part of the family.
They are suited for puppies who have had their 2nd vaccination and up to 6 months at start date. Pups need to have received both vaccinations for the outdoor course. Vaccination cards will be need to be seen before lessons begin. If your pup is older than this, then please give me call or send me an email and I can see how else I can help.
07909 851800
Your pup will be introduced to walking nicely on a lead, gain an introduction to recall, learn some impulse control along with basic manners such as sit, stay, leave it. In addition, you will learn methods for toilet training, puppy biting, not jumping up and much more.

Your pups will be on lead for the session unless advised otherwise by a trainer. We do not tend to provide free play with the pups during lessons, as have found this is not always suitable for all pups. It all depends on the sizes and temperaments of the pups in each group and can do more harm to pups if they are of a timid nature. We will assess each class and if appropriate, decide during the session.
We only use force free, reward-based training as we believe training should be fun for all involved. This means you will need plenty of small tasty treats to help along the way, a few favourite toys and plenty of praise.
The group courses are between 45 mins and 1 hour long (depending on the course). Sessions will include many practical exercises, however there will be some discussions involved for you to gain that extra knowledge to help you along the way.
Children are welcome to attend the courses as we love for the whole family to be involved, however for safety we ask that there is no running and parents are responsible for supervision at all times. (Please note due to Covid 19 there are currently restrictions on the number of people who can attend with pup, therefore children may not be able to attend at this time. Please contact me to find out the current numbers).
You will receive a welcome pack on arrival and we provide phone and email assistance for the duration of the course.
The one important note is that you will need to practice regularly with the methods taught in class. We can give you the tools to take away, however to achieve the best results your pup will require consistent and regular training sessions.
6-week outdoor course costs £145 (6 x appprox 45min – 1 hr sessions).
Next puppy course starts:
Sunday 6th April – 9.30
Hill Farm, Botley, SO32 2BP
Book your space now via the link below:
1:2:1 Puppy Training 4 Week Course
This 1:2:1 tailored course is suitable for puppies up to 6 months of age.
4 x 45 minute Sessions (taken weekly from your home)
Puppy Information Pack
Goody Bag
Email and phone support throughout
Recap summaries emailed after each session
All this for £225
To get in touch call 07909 851800
or email me on

FREE – Pawsome Puppy Info Pack
Click on the link below
Online Pre-Pup Session
These sessions are aimed at preparing you, prior to bringing your pup home, last approx. 45 mins and are conducted via Zoom. Sessions give you the chance to chat through any questions you may have, ensure you have everything set up in the correct place, have the right equipment and we can also run through the first night, biting, toileting and management, ready for your new arrival.
These sessions are ideal for new puppy owners or for those of you who have not had a puppy for a while.
Sessions cost only £25

One off Puppy Session
If you would prefer a one off visit to help you with any questions you may have, then this is for you. I will come to your home and we can work through any issues and put a plan in place to help you move forward.
Initial puppy visit – £95 for 1 hour
All follow up sessions are £70 per hour.
For more information please call or email:
07909 851800
The Pre Pup Presentation & Q&A
Free Online Presentation & Q&A – The Pre-Pup
Contact me to find out the next date – Lasts Approx. 1 hr
Thinking of getting a puppy?
Unsure if you are ready?
What should you consider?
Breed? Size? cost? Equipment?
Do you have questions?
Often owners only find out information after they have their puppy and by then it may be too late. My aim is to assist owners before they make the decision, to help them begin on the right paw. 🐾
Find out what to consider prior to getting your pup. Be prepared, so you & pup get the best start on your training journey.
To register your interest please pop me an email at jules@talktothehound.net and you will then be forwarded joining details for the next talk.
Please note you will need to download Zoom to attend. This is a free app. (Also don’t worry if you’re camera shy, you can always watch with your camera off if you prefer 😉). Do you have questions?